Tuesday 14 October 2008

Colours in the sky

Rainbows seem to be a common and welcome sight in Orkney. I feel like I've seen more here in the last 9 weeks than I've seen in the rest of my life! Often double rainbows and complete arcs. No half measures here. I've tried photographing them but it doesn't do the beauty of them justice. Clever people will be able to tell me the reasons why to do with rain/sun/positioning etc. I am happy ust to enjoy them and be reminded of God's promises. The first rainbow was when God promised Noah He would never again flood the earth. Living in Orkney it mightn't be a bad thing to be remind of that!
Other colours in the sky I am yet to experience here are the Northern Lights. (I've looked them up on youtube) Which can be seen from here when conditons are right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_Borealis I've signd up to an Aurora watch so I'll get an Email warning me when chances are likely. I shall then rush out with the video cam and I promise, once I get over the excitement, you'll be the first to know.


thinker said...

how lovely, ive always wanted to live in orkney...... i too am a christian..
but what jobs are there in orkney... crime rate sounds bliss......... you must have one officer on duty.. nice blogg.

Anonymous said...

I guess it would depend on what work you're looking for Thinker. I seen two policemen working together but they were both far too young! Glad you enjoyed the blog.